Duolingo English Test 점수를 인정하는 유럽 대학 (2025년 기준)

2023년 10월 기준 유럽 내 489개 학교와 프로그램이 Duolingo English Test (DET) 성적을 인정하고 있습니다. 더 좋은 소식은, DET를 시험 점수를 인정하는 (특히 미국 이외의) 학교들이 더 많아지고 있다는 것입니다.

Duolingo English Test 점수를 인정하는 유럽 대학

현재 DET 점수를 인정하는 나라는 110개입니다. 이 중 유럽 국가는 그리스, 노르웨이, 네덜란드, 독일, 덴마크, 라트비아, 러시아, 루마니아, 룩셈부르크, 리투아니아, 마케도니아(북마케도니아), 몰타, 불가리아, 벨기에, 사이프러스, 스위스, 스웨덴, 스페인, 아르메니아, 아제르바이잔, 아일랜드, 알바니아, 영국, 오스트리아, 우크라이나, 이탈리아, 체코, 포르투갈, 폴란드, 프랑스, 핀란드, 헝가리가 있습니다.

아래는 현재 유럽에서 DET 점수를 인정하는 모든 학교와 프로그램의 리스트입니다. Duolingo는 DET 점수 인정 기관을 여기에 업데이트하고 있으니, 지원할 학교가 결정되면 그 학교가 DET를 인정하는지 확인해 보시기 바랍니다.

2024년 4월 11일에 업데이트된 목록입니다.

  1. Academy of Fine Arts Prague
  2. Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg
  3. Adam Mickiewicz University Foreign Language Teaching Centre
  4. ADA University
  5. ADA University - Graduate
  6. ADA University - Undergraduate
  7. Albanian College Durres
  8. Albanian College Tirana
  9. Alexandra College
  11. American College Dublin
  12. American College of Greece - Alba Graduate Business School
  13. American Hotel Academy
  14. American International School of Budapest
  15. American School of Grenoble
  16. American University in Bulgaria
  17. American University in Switzerland
  18. American University of Armenia
  19. Anglia Ruskin University London
  20. AP University Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp
  21. Aquinas American School
  22. Arden University - Berlin
  23. Arden University Blended Learning
  24. Arden University - Distance Learning
  25. Arden University International DL
  26. Arden University Partnership
  27. Art Academy of Latvia - SDSI Program
  28. Artevelde University of Applied Sciences
  29. Arts University Plymouth
  30. Arts University Plymouth - Postgraduate
  31. Arts University Plymouth - Pre-Degree
  32. ARU College - Postgraduate
  33. ARU College - Undergraduate
  34. ASSIST - Austria
  35. ASSIST - Bulgaria
  36. ASSIST - Croatia
  37. ASSIST - Czech Republic
  38. ASSIST - Germany / Switzerland
  39. ASSIST - Hungary
  40. ASSIST - Lithuania
  41. ASSIST - Moldova
  42. ASSIST - Poland
  43. ASSIST - Slovakia
  44. ASSIST - Spain
  45. ASSIST - Sweden / Denmark
  46. Atlantic Technological University, Donegal campus
  47. Atlantic Technological University, Donegal campus - Graduate
  48. Atlantic Technological University, Sligo
  49. Atlas American School of Malaga
  50. Audencia Business School
  51. AUXADI Contables y Consultores
  52. Azeristudent Limited
  53. Bangor University Online Pre-sessional (ELCOS)
  54. Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
  55. Bard College Berlin
  56. BCNGROUPS Educational Consulting
  57. Berlin School of Business and Innovation
  58. Bhaktivedanta Hittudományi Főiskola (Bhaktivedanta College of Theology)
  59. BHMS - Business & Hotel Management School
  60. Biesterfeld Özel Kimyasallar Ticaret A.S.
  61. Birkbeck, University of London - Undergraduate and Postgraduate
  62. Bocconi University - Bachelors
  63. Bocconi University - Masters
  64. Bournemouth University Pre-Sessional English
  65. Brand University of Applied Sciences
  66. Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre
  67. British Academy of Jewellery
  68. British Club Language School
  69. British School of Navarra
  70. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
  71. Brunel Pathway College
  72. Brussels School of Governance (BSoG)
  73. Burgundy School of Business
  74. Business Management Vocational School in North Cyprus
  75. Business School Lausanne
  76. Business School Lausanne - Advance Studies
  77. Business School Lausanne - DBA
  78. Business School Lausanne - Graduate
  79. CAAS, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
  80. Cambridge School of Constanta
  81. Camphill Community Glencraig
  82. Campus Kujalleq
  83. Capital City College Group
  84. Cardiff Academy
  85. Cardiff University
  86. Cardiff University - Online Pre-sessional programmes
  87. CATS Colleges (Cambridge, Canterbury, London)
  88. CBS International Business School
  89. CCT College Dublin
  90. Central European University - Graduate Admissions
  91. Central European University - Undergraduate Admissions
  92. (CERGE-EI) Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute
  93. Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
  94. "Charles University,  Faculty of Social Sciences"
  95. Chavagnes International College
  96. Chevron College
  97. CIS University
  98. City Education Group
  99. City of London Freemen's School
  100. City University of Paris
  101. CODE University of Applied Sciences
  102. Collège Champittet-Pully
  103. Corvinus University of Budapest
  104. Coventry University - Pre-Sessional English
  105. Cranfield University
  106. Cranfield University (Jiangsu University partnership)
  107. CRCS, César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
  108. Cyprus Science University
  109. Cyprus West University
  110. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  111. Dania Academy, Denmark
  112. DIFC - (Dublin International Foundation College)
  113. DocNomads Joint Masters
  114. Dorset College
  115. Dublin Business School
  116. Dublin City University
  117. Dublin College of Advanced Studies
  118. Dundalk Institute of Technology
  119. EBS University
  120. École de Management Appliqué
  121. Ecole de Management Léonard De Vinci (EMLV)
  122. Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)
  123. Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
  124. EDC Paris Business School
  125. EDHEC Business School, MSc
  126. Edunation
  127. Eerde International Boarding School Netherlands
  128. eie Institute of Education
  129. EKA University of Applied Sciences
  130. Elizabeth School of London (ESL)
  131. Ellison Institute
  132. Embassy of Canada to Turkey
  133. EM Normandie Business School
  134. English Talks, Ireland
  135. Eni S.p.A.
  136. ENSAI - Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l'analyse de l'information
  137. EPF Graduate School of Engineering
  138. ESADE Business & Law School, Barcelona
  139. ESC Clermont Business School
  140. Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
  141. ESEI International Business School
  142. ESSCA School of Management
  143. ESSCA School of Management - Bachelor program
  144. EU Business School
  145. EU Business School - Business Bridging Program
  146. EU Business School - English Foundation Program
  147. European Institute of Innovation & Management
  148. European Leadership University
  149. European Leadership University, Netherlands
  150. European Nazarene College
  152. Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences)
  153. Franklin University Switzerland
  154. Frontline Training Services
  155. Fulbright Commission the Netherlands
  156. Fundación Bancaria Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (”la Caixa” Foundation) FBLC
  157. Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences
  158. Future Learning
  159. Futureworks
  160. Galileo Global Education France - LISAA
  161. Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
  162. GBSB Global Business School
  163. Gdansk University of Technology
  164. Geneva Business School - Bachelor's
  165. Geneva Business School - Doctorate
  166. Geneva Business School - Master's
  167. Geneva Business School - MBA
  168. Georgian American University, LLC (GAU)
  169. Gisma University of Applied Sciences
  170. Glasgow Caledonian University - Undergraduate and Postgraduate
  171. Global Banking School Malta
  172. Goethe University - Study Abroad Programs
  173. Goldsmiths, University of London - Online Pre-Sessional
  174. Good to Go Solutions
  175. Gower College Swansea
  176. Grenoble Ecole de Management
  177. Griffith College - Certificate in International Foundation Studies
  178. Griffith College - English Language Program
  179. Griffith College - Graduate
  180. Griffith College - Undergraduate
  181. HEC Paris - Executive MBA Program
  182. HEC Paris - MBA Programs
  183. HEC Paris - Summer & Youth Programs
  184. Hertie School
  185. HIM, Hôtel Institute Montreux
  186. Hochschule Furtwangen University - M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering (BME)
  187. Hochschule Wismar
  188. Hogeschool PXL
  189. Holmes Institute Dublin
  190. Howest University of Applied Sciences
  191. HSE University - Vishnevsky Institute of Demography - Master’s Program in Demography
  192. HTL International School of Hospitality Tourism and Languages
  193. Hult International Business School London
  194. Humboldt International Campus HIC Programs
  195. IBAT College Dublin
  196. ‎ICD International Business School
  197. ICN Business School
  198. ICN Business School - Exchange Programs Only
  199. IESEG School of Management
  200. IE University
  201. Imperial College London - Postgraduate Admissions
  202. Imperial College London - Undergraduate
  203. Inanc TEVITOL High School
  204. INSA Barcelona
  205. INSA Lyon
  206. Institute of Performance Nutrition
  207. Instituto Superior Politécnico Internacional (ISPI)
  208. Institut Paul Bocuse
  209. Inter-Community School Zurich (ICS)
  210. International Academy of Sport Science and Technology AISTS
  211. International Business School, Budapest
  212. International College Portsmouth
  213. International Graduate Center, Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences
  214. International School Eindhoven (ISE)
  215. International School Lausanne
  216. International School of Debrecen
  217. International School of Zug and Luzern
  218. INTO UK - All Centres
  219. Ipsos Jordan
  220. Ipswich High School
  221. Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences
  222. Irish Visa
  223. ISG International Business School
  224. Istituto Marangoni Paris
  225. ITMO University
  226. IUBH Fernstudium
  227. IU Internationale Hochschule
  228. IU Internationale Hochschule, Berlin
  229. IU Internationale Hochschule - School of Business and Management
  230. IU International University of Applied Sciences
  231. Jacobs University Bremen
  232. John Cabot University
  233. Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (JMU)
  234. Kaplan International Pathways - Bournemouth University International College
  235. Kaplan International Pathways - Glasgow International College
  236. Kaplan International Pathways - Kaplan International College London
  237. Kaplan International Pathways - Nottingham Trent International College
  238. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Birmingham Foundation Pathways
  239. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Brighton International College
  240. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Bristol International Foundation Programme
  241. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Essex International College
  242. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Liverpool International College
  243. Kaplan International Pathways - University of Nottingham International College
  244. Kaplan International Pathways - University of York International Pathway College
  245. Kaplan International Pathways - UWE Bristol's International College
  246. KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts - All Programs
  247. Kedge Business School
  248. Keele University
  249. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  250. Ktwok Ltd
  251. Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford Summer Programmes
  252. La Salle Campus Barcelona - Project Management
  253. La Salle Campus Barcelona - Ramón Llull University
  254. LCC International University
  255. LEAF Academy - ESL
  256. Leeds Beckett University - Postgraduate
  257. Leeds Beckett University - Pre-sessional English
  258. Leeds Beckett University - Undergraduate
  259. Les Roches - Switzerland
  260. Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT)
  261. Leysin American School
  262. London Business School - Postgraduate
  263. London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA)
  264. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  265. Loughborough University - Postgraduate Research
  266. Loughborough University - Postgraduate Taught
  267. Loughborough University - Undergraduate
  268. LSI / IH Portsmouth - Pre-Sessional
  269. LUCA School of Arts
  270. Luiss Guido Carli University
  271. Luxembourg School of Business
  272. Luxury Hotelschool Paris
  273. Lyssup International Portugal
  274. Maastricht School of Management, University of Maastricht
  275. ma-co maritime competence GmbH
  276. Macromedia University of Applied Sciences
  277. Magna Carta College
  278. Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration
  279. Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics
  280. Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies
  281. Mater Academy Italy, Dual Diploma Program
  282. Mayen
  283. Maynooth University
  284. Maynooth University - English Language Program
  285. Maynooth University - Postgraduate
  286. Mediadesign Hochschule (MD.H)
  287. Medical University of Gdansk
  288. MEF University
  289. Merseyside Academy, Consultancy and Publishing Ltd.
  290. Ministry of Commerce Saudi Arabia
  291. Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
  292. MNT Healthcare Services
  293. Modul University Vienna
  294. Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
  295. MPW Mander Portman Woodward - London, Birmingham, and Cambridge
  296. MSM Academy
  297. Munich Business School
  298. Munster Technological University Cork
  299. Munster Technological University, Kerry Campus
  300. Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)
  301. National College of Art and Design
  302. National College of Ireland
  303. Neoma Business School
  304. Northern Karelia Association of Education Municipalities, Riveria
  305. Northumbria University
  306. Nova International Schools
  307. OPIT Open Institute of Technology
  308. Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
  309. Oslo New University College
  310. Paris College of Art
  311. Plan B Immigration Solutions
  312. Porto Business School
  313. Prague City University
  314. Prince Sultan University
  315. Qualification Check
  316. Quality Education Holding Company
  317. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh - Online
  318. Queen Mary University of London - Pre-Sessional English
  319. RED Academy London
  320. Regent College London
  321. Results Consortium Limited
  322. Results Consortium Ltd.
  323. Riga Technical University
  324. Rochester Independent College
  325. Rome Business School
  326. Royal Holloway, University of London - Postgraduate
  327. Royal Holloway, University of London - Undergraduate
  328. RTU Riga Business School
  329. RTU Riga Business School - ELC
  330. SAE Institute - UK
  331. Saint Louis University - Madrid Campus
  332. Saudi Aramco
  333. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation  (SABIC)
  334. Saudi Electronic University
  335. Savo Vocational College
  336. Schiller International University, Heidelberg Campus
  337. Schiller International University, Madrid Campus
  338. Schiller International University, Paris Campus
  339. Sciences Po
  340. SET University
  341. Sheffield Hallam University
  342. Sheffield Hallam University — Pre-sessional courses
  343. SHMS, Swiss Hotel Management School
  344. SKOLA English in London
  345. Skyfallen Limited
  346. SOAS Postgraduate Distance Learning courses
  347. SOAS University Doctoral School
  348. SOAS University of London
  349. SOAS University of London English Language Program
  350. SOAS University of London - Postgraduate
  351. Solent University Southampton - Postgraduate
  352. Solent University Southampton - Undergraduate
  353. South East Technological University (Carlow, Waterford and Wexford Campuses)- Postgraduate
  354. South East Technological University (Carlow, Waterford and Wexford Campuses) - Undergraduate
  355. Speak Up London
  356. SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
  357. SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin
  358. Steinbeis University - School of Management and Innovation
  359. Stichting IPA (Parents International)
  360. St John's International School Waterloo
  361. St Mary's University London - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught
  362. St. Stephen's School Rome
  363. Studee
  364. Study Group - UK/Europe
  365. StudyNet Group
  366. Swansea University - Pre-Sessional Programmes
  367. Tam Development Company
  368. TBS Education – Barcelona
  369. Technische Universität Berlin, M.Sc. Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability
  370. Technological University Dublin
  371. Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
  372. Technotraining Ltd
  373. The American Business School of Paris
  374. The American University of Paris
  375. The American University of Rome
  376. The International School in Genoa
  377. The KAUST School
  378. The Koç School
  379. Third Space Learning
  380. Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
  381. Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences
  382. Transport and Telecommunication Institute
  383. Trent Education Centre (TEC)
  384. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin - International Foundation Programme
  385. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin - Postgraduate
  386. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin - Study Abroad/Visiting Students
  387. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin - Undergraduate
  388. Truro School
  389. Turiba University
  390. Turkish Fulbright Commission
  391. UBI Business School
  392. UFM Acton MBA Madrid
  393. Unicorn University
  394. UniHaven
  395. UniLaSalle - Amiens Campus
  396. UniLaSalle - Rouen Campus
  397. United Business Institutes
  398. United International Business Schools
  399. United World College Maastricht - Admissions
  400. United World Colleges (International) Ltd.
  401. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)
  402. Universidad CEU San Pablo
  403. Universidad de Navarra
  404. Universidad de Navarra - Master en Gestión Empresas Pharma-Biotech
  405. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  406. Università di Parma, Department Engineering and Architecture
  407. Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
  408. University College Cork - Adult Continuing Education (ACE)
  409. University College Cork - EU Postgraduate Admissions
  410. University College Cork - EU Undergraduate Admissions
  411. University College Cork - Non-EU Postgraduate Admissions
  412. University College Cork - Non-EU Undergraduate Admissions
  413. University College Dublin (UCD)
  414. University College Dublin (UCD) Diploma and Certificate
  415. University College Dublin (UCD) Graduate Taught & Research
  416. University College Dublin (UCD) Pathway
  417. University College Dublin (UCD) Study Abroad
  418. University of Applied Sciences Europe
  419. University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
  420. University of Augsburg, Worldwide outgoing International Office
  421. University of Bath - Doctoral
  422. University of Bath - Postgraduate Taught
  423. University of Bath - Undergraduate
  424. University of Birmingham English Language Program
  425. University of Bolton
  426. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  427. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague - Summer Programs
  428. University of Chester - Pre-Sessional English
  429. University of Derby - Online Programmes
  430. University of East Anglia
  431. University of Europe for Applied Sciences
  432. University of Gibraltar
  433. University of Glasgow
  434. University of Huddersfield - China Campus - Undergraduate
  435. University of Leeds - Online Postgraduate
  436. University of Leeds - Pre-Sessional English
  437. University of Leicester - Postgraduate Research
  438. University of Limerick
  439. University of Lincoln - Pre-sessional, Undergraduate and Postgraduate
  440. University of Liverpool - Online Pre-Sessional English programme
  441. University of Liverpool - Postgraduate Taught/Research programmes
  442. University of Liverpool - Undergraduate
  443. University of Lorraine ENSAIA Program
  444. University of Lorraine ENSEM Program
  445. University of Lucerne
  446. University of Mannheim - International Exchange Program
  447. University of New York in Prague
  448. University of Ostrava
  449. University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
  450. University of Pécs - General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy
  451. University of Pécs - Master and PhD
  452. University of Pécs - Undergraduate
  453. University of Pisa
  454. University of Portsmouth, London Campus - Pathways
  455. University of Portsmouth, London Campus - Postgraduate
  456. University of Portsmouth, London Campus - Pre-sessional English
  457. University of Portsmouth, London Campus - Undergraduate
  458. University of Portsmouth - Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Online Pre-Sessional Programs
  459. University of Reading - Postgraduate
  460. University of Reading - Pre-Sessional English
  461. University of Reading - Undergraduate
  462. University of Roehampton - Postgraduate
  463. University of Roehampton - Undergraduate
  464. University of Southampton - Postgraduate
  465. University of Southampton - Undergraduate
  466. University of Surrey - Postgraduate
  467. University of Surrey - Undergraduate
  468. University of Tokaj
  469. University of Warwick - MBA
  470. University of Warwick - Postgraduate
  471. University of Warwick - Pre-Sessional English Programme
  472. University of Warwick - Study Abroad European Partners
  473. University of Warwick - Study Abroad Global Partners
  474. University of Warwick - Undergraduate
  475. University of Westminster Education Abroad (study abroad (including summer) / exchange programmes)
  476. University of Wroclaw
  477. University of York - Online English Language Pre-sessionals
  478. University of York - Postgraduate
  479. University of York - Undergraduate
  480. UNWTO Academy, Bella Vista - International Centre associated with UNWTO Academy in Switzerland
  481. USAID Moldova
  482. U.S. Consulate Adana
  483. U.S. Consulate Istanbul
  484. Vamia
  485. Veterinary Management Group (VMG)
  486. VICTORIA International University of Applied Sciences
  487. Villiers School
  488. Vilnius Business College
  489. Vilnius Business College - Summer Programs
  490. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH)
  491. Vilnius University
  492. VIVES University of Applied Sciences
  493. Volda University College
  494. Waterford Institute of Technology
  495. Webster University Geneva
  496. Webster University - Netherlands
  497. Webster Vienna Private University
  498. Western Caspian University
  499. Woolf University
  500. World Maritime University

🦉 학생 비자 신청에 DET 점수를 사용할 수 있는 경우도 있어요!

학교마다 요구하는 최저 점수가 다르기 때문에 가능한 높은 점수를 목표로 하는 것을 권장합니다. 필요한 DET 점수를 만들려면, 아래 배너를 클릭해 Arno에 무료로 가입해보세요. Arno는 연습 문제를 무제한으로 & 무료로 제공하며 점수와 피드백도 함께 바로 보여줍니다. Arno가 도움이 되었다면 유럽에서 돌아올 때 맛있는 것 가져와 주세요 ❤️

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