Duolingo English Test의 19가지 문제 유형 예시와 풀이
Duolingo English Test (DET)에는 19가지 문제 유형이 있습니다. 각 문제 유형의 예시와 풀이를 본문에서 다뤄보겠습니다.
시작에 앞서, DET를 공부하는 좋은 방법은 예제와 답변을 보는 데서 그치는 것이 아닌 직접 연습 문제에 답해보고 점수와 피드백을 확인하는 것이라는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
Arno에서는 DET에 출제되는 모든 문제 유형을 무료로, 무제한으로 연습할 수 있습니다. 어휘와 문법에 대한 점수와 피드백을 바로 확인할 수 있습니다.
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👉 이 포스트의 영상 버전도 있답니다!
- Read and Complete (읽고 단어 완성하기)
- Fill in the Blanks (빈칸 채우기)
- Read and Select (진짜 영단어 고르기)
- Listen and Type (받아쓰기)
- Read Aloud (따라 읽기)
- Write About the Photo (사진에 대해 쓰기)
- Speak About the Photo (사진에 대해 말하기)
- Interactive Writing (대화형 쓰기)
- Read, Then Speak (주제 읽고 말하기)
- Listen, Then Speak (주제 듣고 말하기)
- Writing Sample (쓰기 샘플)
- Speaking Sample (말하기 샘플)
Interactive Reading (상호작용하며 읽기)
- Complete the Sentences (문장 완성하기)
- Complete the Passage (단락 완성하기)
- Highlight the Answer (정답에 줄긋기)
- Identify the Idea (주제 도출하기)
- Title the Passage (제목 정하기)
Interactive Listening (상호작용하며 듣기)
Read and Complete (읽고 단어 완성하기)
!["Read and Complete" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-13.png)
3~6문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
The phones 4u Arena seats over 21,000 and is the largest indoor area in Europe. It has been voted International Venue of the Year and for several years was the most popular venue in the world. The sports grounds also host large pop concerts.
👉 “Read and Complete” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Fill in the Blanks (빈칸 채우기)
!["Fill in the Blanks" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-14.png)
6~9문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
👉 "Fill in the Blanks" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Read and Select (진짜 영단어 고르기)
!["Read and Select" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-15.png)
6~9문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
Listen and Type (받아쓰기)
!["Listen and Type" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-16.png)
6~9문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
The museum has an incredible collection of ancient artifacts.
👉 ”Listen and Type” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Read Aloud (따라 읽기)
!["Read Aloud" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-17.png)
3~6문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
👉 “Read Aloud” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
![Click to try Arno](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/Blog-post-link--18-.png)
Write About the Photo (사진에 대해 쓰기)
!["Write About the Photo" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://resources.goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-19.png)
3문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
In this photo, I see two people walking along the sidewalk, a man and a boy. They could be father and son. They appear to be having a conversation. Both of them have bags, so perhaps the father is dropping off his son at school on his way to work. There are orange and yellow leaves on the ground and they are wearing sweaters, so it is likely autumn.
👉 “Write About the Photo” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Speak About the Photo (사진에 대해 말하기)
!["Speak About the Photo" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/speak-about-the-photo-duolingo-english-test.png)
1문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
In this photo, I see a little boy and a little girl laughing and hugging. The little boy has his hand on the girl’s head, and he is pulling her toward him. They seem to be close to one another, so either they are close friends or relatives like brother and sister. It’s not clear what has made them so happy. Perhaps it was nothing; children are often very happy like this! However, I noticed that the girl’s hair is wet. The boy’s hair is too short to tell. Perhaps they were just in the bath and that put them into a good mood.
👉 "Speak About the Photo" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Interactive Writing (대화형 쓰기)
!["Interactive Writing" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2024/03/image-3.png)
1문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
Part A:
In my view, the biggest advantage of being a freelance artist is the independence. You do not have a boss and therefore there is no one to tell you what to work on or how to spend your time. You are free to work on what you want, when you want. That freedom allows artists to explore their interests and take their art in new directions and to new levels.
However, an independent, freelance artist is not entirely independent. They still need to make a living by selling their art. This means that they can't make whatever they want. They have to make things that people are willing to pay for. Often, what people are willing to pay for is from what the artists may find find artistically valuable. Vincent Van Gogh is a famous, and tragic, example of this. While he was alive, he struggle to make a living off of his art. Today, however, his art is among the most valuable in the world.
Another disadvantage of being a freelance artist is that you don't have a predictable paycheck. When you work for a company, they will send you money every 2 weeks or 1 month. But as a freelancer, you could earn a lot of money 1 month but then not very much the other month. This can be quite stressful.
Part B:
I believe that freelance artists command more respect from their peers in the art community. This is because it is perceived as more difficult, and therefore those who chose that path are more committed to their art. Working for a company can be seen as "selling out."
However, working for a company likely gives you access to a large network of artists or customers. The company can facilitate introductions to all kinds of people who can help you with producing and selling your art. A company could also provide financial support for things like conferences or art markets, which helps to expose your art to many more people.
👉 "Interactive Writing" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Questions
Read, Then Speak (주제 읽고 말하기)
!["Read, Then Speak" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/read-then-speak-duolingo-english-test.png)
1문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
My favorite restaurant is called Nan Zhou Hand Drawn Noodle House. It is in the Chinatown neighborhood of Philadelphia, specifically on Arch Street. They serve American Chinese food of all kinds, but they specialize in hand drawn noodles, which they use in many dishes. My personal favorite are the cold peanut noodles. I go there once a month, on average. If it was closer to my house, I would probably go more often! It’s my favorite because not only is the food really good, it is also really cheap. It is the best value meal in Philadelphia in my opinion. In addition, they have very fast service, so you never have to wait long to get a table and to get your food after ordering.
👉 "Read, Then Speak" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Listen, Then Speak (주제 듣고 말하기)
!["Listen, Then Speak" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/listen-then-speak-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
Talk about a memorable experience you had in nature. What about this experience made it so enjoyable for you?
모범 답안
A memorable experience I had in nature was when I hiked Wheeler Peak, the highest point in New Mexico. This experience was so enjoyable because it provided beautiful views. I also did the hike with classmates, and I enjoyed bonding with them during the trip.
We started our ascent in the forest. At one point, we passed through Aspen trees with white bark and bright orange leaves. On the top of the mountain, we could see countless peaks and ridges all around.
The hike was organized through my school. We spent hours and hours hiking, so we had a lot of time to talk and get to know one another. It was a lot of fun learning about everyone and making new friends.
There were also challenging parts of the hike. It was unexpectedly very cold. Some people didn’t bring jackets, so we had to share our clothing among the group. At the time, it was difficult being so cold, but it made the trip more memorable looking back.
👉 "Listen, Then Speak" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Writing Sample (쓰기 샘플)
!["Writing Sample" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/writing-sample-duolingo-english-test.png)
1문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
I believe that the three most important behaviors for success in school are staying disciplined, persevering through setbacks, and being strategic.
First, success in school does not happen overnight. It's like the old adage, "Rome was not built in a day." In order to acquire new knowledge and gain new skills, you have to learn a little bit each day. This consistency requires discipline. In my personal experience, this principle was most important in my study of mathematics. I never had a big breakthrough with math. Rather, I learned it a little bit at a time.
Second, persevering through setbacks is also important. I did not get top marks on every single assignment. In fact, I often did poorly! But I never gave up. This enabled me to go from a bad mark on an assignment to a good mark on the exam, which, in turn, resulted in a high, final mark in the class.
Finally, you need to be strategic. You need to think about how you can get top marks. Which assignments or exams contribute the most to your overall grade? Which ones don't? Being strategic like this means that you can get maximum results for the efforts that you make.
👉 ”Writing Sample” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Speaking Sample (말하기 샘플)
!["Speaking Sample" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/speaking-sample-duolingo-english-test.png)
1문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
모범 답안
I decide which information is most important to focus on based on my priorities at that point in time. My professional and personal goals and interests change over time, so the information I consume will change.
During the Covid pandemic I was focused on staying healthy and preventing the spread of the virus. I focused on information coming from reliable sources like trustworthy newspapers and government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control. I avoided information that was inaccurate or talked about the politics of the pandemic, since these were not aligned with my goals.
When I started working in a technology company, I knew very little about business, and even less about technology companies. I subscribed to a number of newsletters that helped me understand this sector of the economy. I spent less time reading general news as this was less important to my professional priorities at that time.
Recently, I’ve realized that I have habits that are holding me back. Instead of reading more fun things like science fiction novels, I’ve decided to read some books about habits in order to update mine. Now that I have gained that knowledge and have put into place some changes in my life, I can return to reading more for fun.
As I change, and the world changes, I will continue to change the kinds of information that I focus on so that I can accomplish my goals and grow in the ways I desire.
Interactive Reading (상호작용하며 읽기)
Interactive Reading (상호작용하며 읽기) 섹션은 하나의 제시문과 관련된 5가지 문제 유형으로 구성됩니다.
a. Complete the Sentences (문장 완성하기)
!["Complete the Sentences" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/complete-the-sentences-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
- fuse
- trying
- few
- again
👉 "Interactive Reading" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
b. Complete the Passage (제시문 완성하기)
!["Complete the Passage" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/complete-the-passage-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
He realized he must have made a mistake, so he went back and checked his work.
👉 "Interactive Reading" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
c. Highlight the Answer (정답에 줄긋기)
!["Higlight the Answer" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/highlight-the-answer-duolingo-english-test.png)
4문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
Fixing a few things around the house himself
👉 "Interactive Reading" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
d. Identify the Idea (주제 도출하기)
!["Identify the Idea" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/identify-the-idea-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
John blew a fuse while rewiring one of the outlets in his house.
👉 "Interactive Reading" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
e. Title the Passage (제목 정하기)
!["Title the Passage" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/title-the-passage-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
John’s Electrical Difficulties
👉 "Interactive Reading" - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
Interactive Listening (상호작용하며 듣기)
Interactive Listening (상호작용하며 듣기) 섹션에 나오는 대화는 학교에서 일어나는 대화와 비슷합니다. 이 섹션은 2가지 문제 유형으로 구성됩니다.
a. Listen and Respond (듣고 답하기)
!["Listen and Respond" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/08/listen-and-respond-duolingo-english-test.png)
10문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
👉 ”Interactive Listening” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
b. Summarize the Conversation (대화 요약하기)
!["Summarize the Conversation" question type on the Duolingo English Test](https://goarno.io/blog/content/images/2023/07/summarize-the-conversation-duolingo-english-test.png)
2문제 출제되는 유형입니다.
👉 ”Interactive Listening” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question
이제 Duolingo English Test에 출제되는 모든 문제 유형이 익숙해지셨을 겁니다. 다음은 이 문제 유형들에 대해 연습을 할 차례입니다.
Arno는 연습을 하기에 매우 좋은 플랫폼입니다. 모든 19가지 문제 유형에 대한 연습을 무제한으로 할 수 있고, 쓰기 & 말하기에 대한 점수와 피드백 또한 즉각적으로 확인할 수 있습니다. 시작하려면 아래를 클릭하세요.